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" in country " rail passes

NOT EURail ! Want, need, to know what I have to have to get (purchues) a Cart Argento in Italy. Can I just walk up to train station counter and buy onr with a passport to verify age??
Thanks, Ciao, Don

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17246 posts

That is what it says on the Trenitalia website. But the reference to a "valid" identity document may mean that the Carta d'Argento is only for European seniors. Or maybe to anyone--- they do not specify. You will just have to ask. And please report back what you learn.

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7 posts

Thanks, That is what I've seen. I'm not sure that it is only for EU citizens, Am hopping I can get the pass.
The conventional rail pass that allows unlimited travel of so many days in a month is no good for someone who wants to back little trips out and back from a central city. Let you know when I get back. Thanks, Ciao, Donald