I know that we cannot purchase a Carte Orange until we arrive in Paris, however, I am wondering what steps we will need to take once we are there to purchase the pass. We will be arriving on a Sunday and would want it for the proceeding week. Has anyone purchased one recently? Can it be done on a Sunday? Are there specific stations that sell them (we will need to purchase the whole pass-our ID cards as well as the ticket)? Any info would be helpful. Thanks
The paper Carte Orange is being phased out. Now you can load a Carte Orange on a passe Navigo Decouverte. You can buy everything on Sunday at any Metro or RER station, but you won't be able to use your CO until Monday. For a complete explanation, go here: http://tinyurl.com/36h6zs.
I think the Carte Orange is being phased out but I've been wrong before. My son & I will be in Paris for 8 days next month and I finally settled on just buying carnets (10 tickets, each good for one trip so you'd need two for a round trip). We're within walking distance of alot of the sights so take that into account when making your plans. The RER out to Versailles under my plan requires a separate ticket. Buy your carnet from the ticket window not out of the automatic machines and they frequently dispense faulty tickets. I put the ticket I'm using in my right hand pocket and the unused ones in the left. After I use my ticket to exit the metro I toss it so as to avoid confusion.
I knew it was being phased out, but I couldn't find the info as to when. We are planning on buying a carnet for Sunday's travels, but we have such a large group (20+ people), we wanted something easy to use that would minimize paper and receipts.
It's only the PAPER version of the Carte Orange that is being phased out. See my previous post.
There is also another "paper option" for travelers if you are not arriving on a Sunday through Saturday situation and may not need travel for an entire week- Paris Visite offers 1, 2, 3 & 5 day options which commence when you use it first rather than when you purchase. No picture is required.
We have actually considered the Paris-Visite pass. In doing my research, it seems the Carte Orange is going to provide our group with everything we need, even though the Paris-Visite pass has great options. I'm also trying to keep cost at a minimum since someone else is paying for everything (I'm just doing the leg work and enjoying the trip!).