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Problems booking on

Hi guys,

I am trying to buy Alsa bus tickets via the website. I keep on getting an error when I get to the credit card payment part of the transaction (I've tried this 7-8 times!).

Either it tells me that my financial institution declined the charge (which it didn't -- I called Capital One and they had no record of the transaction) or it says this:

Operación denegada

Por favor, asegúrese de que ha introducido correctamente sus datos de pago -nº de tarjeta y fecha de caducidad- y vuelva a intentarlo. Si el error persiste, por favor póngase en contacto con el establecimiento, indicando los detalles de la compra (referencia, importe).

Also, the tickets are 2 round-trips from Madrid to Granada on 12/29 @ 14:00 and returning 12/30 @ 18:00.

If anyone can help me that would be great!

Posted by
9371 posts

I think it's telling you to make sure you put in the correct card numbers and date of expiration for your credit card and try again. It says if the error persists, contact the them with details of the transaction that you were trying to complete.

Posted by
7 posts

I've checked and double checked on the screen where you input credit card information. I've input everything correctly including the 3 digit security code. Also I tried using a different card because the first one kept getting rejected (used both a Capital One Mastercard and a Capital One Visa). Both cards result in a rejection.

Posted by
9371 posts

Maybe it's one of those cases where they don't take American credit cards over the internet. You might have to call or contact them some other way to see.

Posted by
9110 posts

The last sentence says if the error persists, get in touch with the establishment indicating the details of the purchase. Whatever the "establishment" is. The first sentence just said to make sure you put your stuff in correctly.

Posted by
7 posts

I was finally able to complete the transaction: 4 credit cards later, and several tries on the card that actually worked.

For the record, Mastercard doesn't seem to work (I used a Citi MC and a Capital One MC). Capital One Visa also didn't work.

I was able to get through using a Chase Visa card. I had to sign up for "Verified by Visa" which opened as a pop-up window and was rejected in both Firefox and IE, so you have to turn down your security settings to let it through.

It appears that Movelia doesn't like American credit cards, but persistence helps.

Posted by
59 posts

Wow, the I was just going to ask the exact same questions as I've been having the same problems. I only have one credit card, though, so I guess I'm out of luck, or I may have to call direct. FYI the websites I'm having issues with are British Airways and EasyJet. Neither one are accepting my card and I've called to verify no probs from the credit card company itself! Maybe they're beefing up security due to holidays? Any other suggestions on making it work? I know that by calling to book, it costs more than booking online, so I was trying to avoid that route.

Posted by
9110 posts

It sounds to me like their might be some other outfit in the middle. A "credit-card-processing-and-clearing" company of some kind. Maybe if you called the end-provider directly and, since they want your money, threatened "give me the interntet rate or else" you'd get the price you want. The first person you talk to might not be able to do it, but I'd bet a supervisor would.