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Problem with National Car's Spanish rental affiliate, Atesa,

Picked up a car in Malaga, Spain, from National's Spanish partner, Atesa. Problems with car resulted in our turning the car over to a tow truck with authorization from Atesa manager the following day. Now we have an exorbitant charge on our credit card. National's International customer service rep has done little. Any suggestions? Credit Card folks alerted that the charge is in dispute.

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Thanks for answering so promptly. We noticed right away in leaving the airport that the car was difficult to shift (we waited an hour for the rep to bring the car to us--I'm guessing it was waiting for repair and they were short of cars). By the time we arrived at our hotel approx. 30 miles away, the car was smoking/burned smell. Next day, we called rental office at airport, said we weren't comfortable using it. Tow truck arrived-conversation in Spanish between the truck driver and rental office manager which we weren't privy to. Upshot: Rental car mgr. said the tow truck driver found nothing wrong with the car, but believed we weren't driving it correctly. Mgr. offered to exchange car; we did so. Then $1660 charge appears on our card statement when we arrive home. National's international rep says case closed: Atesa says we burned out the clutch. I don't believe we were ever asked if we wanted insurance. Atesa took a 100 euro depost which they said would be refunded if car was returned in good condition. That deposit still shows on our card in addition to the "expected" charge. In calling national again today, I was told I have to deal with the credit card co. to get resolution. Great trip except for this.