I just was looking up fares from Munich to Salzburg and saw that the 2nd class Savings Fare (Bayern-Ticket) for two people for regional trains is now 31€ (in 2016, it was 28€). The price for the first person went up 2€ to 25€; the price for persons 2 through 5 is now 6€ each.
The Guten-Tag-Ticket, which cover Meridian trains between Munich and Salzburg and the Bayerische Oberlandbahn south of Munich (Bad Tölz, Tegernsee, and Schliersee) - looks like the first person is still 21€ but 2 thru 5 are now 6€ each (like the Bayern-Ticket).
So far no change in the Baden-Württemberg-Ticket (23€ + 5€).
Rheinland-Pfalz-Ticket is now 24€ + 5€.
Hessen-Ticket, 34€ for up to 5 people.
Looks like the Schönes-Wochenende and Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket have stayed the same.
There might be others; I haven't checked them all yet.
I noticed these changes for the first time today. Others might change before the first of the year.