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Prebook train Zagreb to Split?

We will be traveling by train from Zagreb to Split in May. We would like to take #523 departing at 12:45. Can we just buy the tickets at the station that day or do we have to prebook? The price on RailEurope is considerably higher compared to the listed price on croation train site, however there isn't a way to book online at that site. The same question goes for train travel between Ljublijana and Zagreb, Train #415 departing 8:15 AM. Thanks for your help.

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521 posts

Beverly, see if this page on The Man in Seat 61 is any help: to Split It discusses train travel from London to Split, but the link should take you to the section that deals with Zagreb to Split. It suggests that you can just buy at the station, and it quotes prices. The guy who runs The Man in Seat 61 posts daily in the train travel section of the forum on TripAdvisor, so you could ask him if you need more information.

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4 posts

Kevin, thanks so much for the great website. It answered my question and more.