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Prague to Venice Airport?

I am considering using SkyEurope to fly from Prague to Venice instead of the overnight train. Is it difficult getting from the Prague Hotels to the Prague Airport and going from the Venice Treviso Airport to the city center of Venice? I've heard the Prague Taxi cannot be trusted. Venice Treviso Airport is not near Venice. There are buses and water taxi's to figure out.

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7209 posts

I'm doing the SkyEurope flight from Prague to Venice Treviso in June 2009. To get to/from Prague Airport I used for transport. Very nice, timely and not too expensive.

There is a bus that will pick you up and transfer you from Venice Treviso to Piazzale Roma in Venice. Alternately you can take a taxi from Treviso Airport to Treviso Train Station and then the train from Treviso to Venice Mestre and on to Venice San Lucia. It's a short distance and not expensive at all.

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1591 posts

I have used the taxis in Prague a number of times to/from the airport and didn't have any issues. I try to make sure they are using the meters and have agreed to an approximate fare before I get in.

Can't help with Treviso as we flew into VCE.

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19238 posts

It's a short distance

Only if you think an hour and 10 minutes is a short trip. The buses from Treviso are coordinated to leave 20 minutes after the flight arrives, so you should be in Venice 1½ hours after your flight lands. Here is the schedule.

The bus from Treviso to Venice costs €6, one way.

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7209 posts

Yes, 43 Kilometers is a short distance in my book. A little over an hour on the bus or 30-45 minutes on the train all the way to Venice San Lucia.

Compared to a night train it's more like a blink-of-an-eye!

Posted by
368 posts

We took the metro/tram from Prague to the airport. It was cheap, kind of fast and easy. I wouldn't bother with the taxis.

Take the bus from Treviso to Venice proper. It is 12 Euro per person, so make sure you have the cash with you as the ATM in the airport was heavily used and not working when we were there. Luckily we had enough cash to get us through. Czech does not use Euro, so it is quite likely you might not have any when you get to Treviso.

Also, once you get to Venice, stay on the bus until the last stop. There is one it stops at before that LOOKS right, but it is on the wrong side of area.

Posted by
668 posts

The bus from Treviso to Venice is definitely the easiest way as others have said. We had a different experience in Prague from Arnold. The taxi at the station wanted 1600 Kruna to take us to the hotel by the Old Square. We refused, he eventually came down to 400 Kruna which we still refused. We walked across teh park in front of the station and picked up a cab there for 150 Kruna. We discovered our hetel would have picked us up for 250 K which is how we got back to teh station when we left.

Check with your hotel, they may have a car or cab on call.

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10 posts

After the bus ends at Venice, must I board a water taxi?

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7209 posts

You can board a water taxi, a water bus (vaporetto), or just walk.

Posted by
668 posts

The bus comes in at the Piazzale Roma and there is a Vaporetta pier right there. Check the location of your hotel against a vaporetto map to see which number takes you closest. Be prepared to walk and possibly go up and over stepped bridges to reach your hotel.