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Possible Italy train strike Sunday 9/8/24

We are in Milan & have train tickets to get to Varenna 9/8 to begin our RS Tour Best of Italy. Trains may be on strike Sunday. Anyone have a suggestion for options if strike is on? Hotel in Milan suggested that we go early (day ahead) but we have Tour tickets paid for in Milan & when I checked Hotels in Varenna it was pretty much booked solid. Thanks for any help.

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1718 posts

The September 8 strike is expected to be extensive and since it falls on a Sunday, there will be no guaranteed trains running. The strike is expected to idle both Trenitalia trains and Trenord commuter trains. If you cannot depart for Varenna early on September 7 as your hotel suggested, the options on September 8 are taking a taxi or Uber, taking a bus to the town of Como and then continuing by ferry to Varenna, and possibly booking a shuttle service or rideshare service.
At the moment, shows two hotels in Varenna with availability for September 7. The town of Mennagio has a lot of vacancies and is a 20-minute ferry ride from Varenna.
Good luck!

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17215 posts

How much do you have invested in the Milan tour tickets? What time does it start and finish? Could you head to Varenna afterward, and stay in one of the hotels Kenko mentions?

If I were you I would take the hotel’s suggestion and travel the day earlier, especially if the tour starts on the 8th. Or look into a private driver (hotel can suggest one) but it might be over 100 euro.

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16355 posts

Could you head to Varenna afterward, and stay in one of the hotels
Kenko mentions?

Your tour starts tomorrow so you've probably made a decision by now but the above was a very good suggestion: can you depart Milan today AFTER your scheduled tours? You might not be able to recoup a non-refundable Milan hotel reservation but that cost might be worth eating. Let us know how things shook out for you?

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26 posts

Thank you all for your helpful recommendations. We skipped our Duomo tour. Managed to get a refund on Milan hotel. Took train to Varenna where we are standing in the longest line of my life. Unable to purchase ferry tickets online. Found a hotel in Bellagio. Hotels in Varenna sold out or beyond our price range.
Hoping for roundtrip ticket to be on time for group gathering tomorrow.