My family of 4 is going to visit Italy and France in August. This is our first family trip to Europe, and we are so excited but also nervous since we will travel by train from Italy to France. We have already planned out the trip itineraries, but I couldn't decide what will work for us better: Italy-France railpass or point-to-point tickets. Here is our trip like:
Day 1, flight into Rome
Day 5. Train from Rome to Venice
Day 7. Train from Venice to Nice
Day 10. Train from Nice to Paris
Day 14. flight from Paris to home
When I compare the point-to-point tickets (4 1st class tickets, current available best rates for advance booking) to the 4 first class railpasses (4 days in 2 months) plus 1st class reservation fees, there isn't too much different (within $10). Are there any other issues that I should consider when making the decision? Please advise! Thanks in advance!