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Planning train travel

Don't know what I am doing wrong but I can't seem to get prices for two train is from Brussels to Rosenheim, Germany and the other from Rosenheim to Paris. Can someone give me a clue about what the point to point costs might be? Nancy

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976 posts

Nancy, have you looked at Rick's info on this site:
and for more reading, see I'm not either of the train experts, but I"d start with the Deutsche bahn site and then read some 'man in seat 61' web pages. I picked June 9th and found a 39 euro fare for the first trip. Used the same date and for Rosenheim -Paris found savings fares of 49, 69, 89 euros on different trains.

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23562 posts

Are you trying for reservations more than 90 days out? Use dates a month from now, same day of week, and the price will be the same. And what site are you using?

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19238 posts

German Rail (I hope you are using their website, not Rail Europe) gives fares for connections for which they sell tickets online, which are limited to 92 days out. They also only sell ticket for connections entirely in Germany, or, at most, with only one leg having an end outside Germany. So, you can get a fare for a train going from Brussels to Frankfurt to Munich to Rosenheim, but not from Brussels to somewhere in Belgium to Rosenheim. I found an Europa-Spezial connection for €39 pP with advance purchase. Again, I found a connection going from Rosenheim to Stuttgart by EC (EuroCity), then Stuttgart to Paris by TGV for €39 pP by advance purchase.