I think they're just supposed to be light hearted entertainment. It's meant to stir a reaction. Some Passengers just don't get the concept of "Common Courtesy". When we see how annoying something can be it reminds us not to do it...
Like the kids who repeatedly peer over the seat backs at the guy and kick on the seat backs knocking out his gum and spilling coffee all down his shirt in "Kidtastrophe".
Or the Inflight movie with a gripping plot shown in a dark Cabin when all of a sudden the Passenger across rips open the shade repeatedly exposing the bright sunlight blocking out the screen in "Shady Lady".
I think they are very creative. Many of the senarios in the videos most passengers have experienced at least once. Rather than telling us what to do, it reminds us what not to do...In a comical and entertaining way!
If you're looking for a little light hearted entertainment, leave your brain at the Gate, and give them a look!