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Personal watercraft rental in Venice?

Is it possible to rent a (small) boat for personal use in Venice? Motorized or not....canoe, paddleboat, dinghy, small motorboat, etc? Would I even want to? I'm an experienced boater who hasn't been to Venice in over 20 years, but it just sounds like an enjoyable way to experience the city.

Thanks for any insight!

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683 posts

We have never seen such during our times in Venice and it is not likely that , in such a boat-dependent city with public transport by boat,there would be "personal watercraft" (to use your term). There is too much likelihood of accidents and trouble caused by inexperienced or careless boaters. Altho we would be greatly surprised if you could take out a private boat, there is always a possibility

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219 posts

From 1 boater to another, it sounds like a great idea. I can see you zipping from island to island at your own leisure. The Italians love their boats! So I would not be surprised if it's possible. (I see Italian made boats on the LI Sound everyday.) It might be expensive. What I would do is get in touch with the hotel I'm staying at and ask. Ask if they can give you a list of marinas if there are any and a small boat renters. If they don't know, try the local tourist bureau. I have a feeling you'll have to do alot of research. Good luck and let us esp me know the outcome. Another idea--- how about bringing a collapsible kayak w/you from home if the prior ideas fail. You may need to also check their regulations.

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712 posts

We just got back from 2 1/2 weeks in Italy. We rented a boat from the Crown Blue Boat rentals. I think their web site is We rented the boat for one week and did a one way rental from Cashier to Porte Levante in the Venice lagoon areas . We spent our 2nd night tied up at Burrano. Our 4 and 5th night we were at a marina in Venice, our 6th night we moved onto Chioggo. You live on the boat. Our boat was 38 feet long. You could drive it from the top or inside. We have canal boated on Rivers and canal in France, England, and Wales. This was our first time in tidal waters.
Another company rents boat from Chioggo. If interested and would like further questions anwered please send me a personal message and I will tell you more.
We had the boat provioned ahead with breakfast items and bought food along the way. We ate most dinners out.

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219 posts

If you have the budget, you might want to consider Marie's idea. From my personal experience and I'm sure yours, boaters are generally relaxed and friendly, and willing to assist you in any way they can like docking or volunteering to name their favorite restaurant in the area. At the very least, it will give you a different perspective of Venice.

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712 posts

The other canal boat rental site for Venice goes from Chioggo. I think it might be worth checking out their web site too. - They are called Locaboat. Their web site is - . Chioggo is an interesting fishing town and you can head north from there. You have different cruise options you can read about on their web site. I did not know they cruised in Venice too, but saw a family from Germany on one on our trip.

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712 posts

You can take a vaparetto (water bus) from Venice area to Chioggo to pickup your boat. I was suprised to see a stop out there. It seemed it was the same price as all over Venice.

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219 posts

Thank you so much, Marie. You have just increased my What to Do and Where to Do It vacation list. It is a list I hope to check off completely before I die, many decades from now.

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108 posts

Thanks for all the advice! This is definitely something I'm going to look into further. Won't be until next summer, but I'll report back to you with the results.

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712 posts

My favorite canal boat trip was on the Petite Saeon Canal in Burgandy France. We did a one way rental from Beaune in Burgandy to St. John Losnes up river. I would recommend going Down River. It is easier to do the locks going down river. We got 2 bikes and ate breakfast on the boat usually tied to a tree or using spikes to stake us to the side of the banks. Lock keepers sold wine and eggs, etc. They give you a map and their are so many great restarunat on the way. We'd start the boat in the morning to get the water hot for showering and then boated into a cute town or village and my husband would walk to the local bakery to get crossants or bread for breakfast. My husband wants to do the Canal Du Midi next. We also did a narrow boat rental in England to Wales. We drove across a high water bridge in the air. Lots of sheep and scenery. We did the Thames River between Oxford and Henly on another trip. We also did the Alsaces Lorraine area.