I'm flying from USA to Europe (first flight for me) and would like information on things that are acceptable at airport security: nailclips, razorblades etc. Maybe easier to ask what is not acceptable at security points.Thanks John
Ed is correct...check the tsa website for the specifics...
Hi John, Here is the official TSA list of prohibited items: http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/prohibited-items
....and most of what is OK or not OK here in the US is the same in Europe, though I did run into a case a number of years ago where the US allowed corkscrews, but Europe did not, but things keep changing. For European rules, try here: http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/safety/air-security/index_en.htm
Read the TSA list first, then come back for elaborations. People working from memory/experience/impression will screw it up. Pay attention to what is not prohibited as well.
thanks for the good information. "less is more"