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Parking rental outside of Paris for 3 days

Unavoidably, we will be beginning and ending our three week visit to Europe in Germany which means we will be renting our car there. Having learned about the cost of cross-border rental returns we know that we will be keeping the same car for the entire time, including our 2 week portion in France. Our travel mo is to avoid big cities and explore the countryside and small towns. Still, we figure Paris shouldn't be missed. We DO NOT want to drive in Paris. It looks like something called Vinci Parks has lots all over France and notably some to the north of Paris. The location at Saint-Ouen l'Aumone seems the most promising for us as it is right at the RER station. Is anyone familiar with this system or location? Is it safe to leave the rental car there for 2 or three days while we stay in Paris or would it be a sitting duck for theft overnight? It appears we can leave it for 24hrs@7euros. Too good to be true? Thanks for your insights and any other options you might care to suggest!

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9110 posts

You've got the right idea. This might be an answer and it might not. I use the same philosophy on car rentals as you and always drive. I quit driving in Paris years ago, not because of the driving, but because finding a place to park takes too darn long. I have no problems with the Cergy/Pontoise area. It's suburbs interspersed with heavy commercial and light industrial sites. Nothing to give you the willys. I've never been anywhere near that station, so I'm a dud there. I've never noticed the company, so no help there, either. The rate seems like a heck of a deal. What stinks is how far out of town you are - - not having made the run, I'm guessing an hour train ride with a couple of changes to get to the central core of Paris. The last few trips I've been parking just outside (right next to, literally in the shadow of) the peripherique on Rue Babinski on the north side of the city. Coming in from the north on the A1 or A15 you've got less than a thousand feet on the peripherique (the entrance lane becomes the exit lane). Coming in from the northwest on the A14/N13, you hit the peripherique for a bit less than three miles before you get off. From the parking garage to a metro station is a five-minute walk and a fifteen- minute train ride gets you to central Paris without a change. The stiff me about fifteen euros a day. Your idea is interesting, but I'm sticking with my scheme.

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4412 posts

Well, I've never parked a car in Paris, but what you've sussed out looks good.........To Me... And yes, €7/day...WOW! (some lots are a 'whopping' €10!!!) OK, People - what's wrong with this picture? This looks too easy... ;-)

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8293 posts

There are car parks at La Defense, some of them underground, where you could leave your car and then take Metro Line 1 into central Paris.

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9 posts

Thank you for your responses Eileen, Norma and Ed. Ed, I checked out your parking spot using google maps. Oh my! I think that is a little to far in with the traffic and um, I'd say the rue Jean Henri Fabre looked a bit suspect. I'm glad you pointed out the length of my ride though the RER will take us without changing to Chatelet les Halles for 5.15 Euro. I looked around for a different parking lot through and found another nice looking one at Neuville-sur-Oise. Apparently we can get the RER A (?) to Chatelet les Halles without changing as well, but in about 35 minutes. It looks to be in a nice neighborhood. This is from the website. Am I understanding it correctly as to cost? And hours of operation being 7 days a week? Tarifs 01h00 : 1,3 € 02h00 : 2,5 € 03h00 : 3 € 24 heures : 7 € Abonnement à partir de 29 € Offres spéciales : Week end: 5.00 - Semaine vacances: 8.00e eures d'ouverture

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9110 posts

Hehe. If you don't like Fabre, skip the St Ouen Flea Market on account of that's exactly where it is. I've actually started staying out in that area since it's multi-cultural and has really good grub. Safe as all get out. I don't even worry if my wife wanders out at night to pick up something from the market just around the corner from where you were probably looking. Moved myself out of the Latin Quarter several years ago. Oh, well. You've got the prices right. Seven per day, five on weekends, eight on holidays. They're open all week. The twenty-nine has something to do with a longer rate and membership, but I don't know its applicability in this context. Norma probably does, but she has this goofey accent and ..... Chatelet bills itself as the largest underground station in the world. Prepare to do a lot of hiking. I walk rather than using the metro that much, but I'll take a circuitous route rather than changing lines through the throngs in there.

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9 posts

Norma, the area you mentioned, La Defense, looks like it would fit the bill if we were coming in from the West. Looks a bit confusing but you aren't dealing with local traffic, it seems. Cool tunnels too. Thanks!

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9 posts

Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Ed. I enjoy flea markets and yard sales but we won't be able to visit those in Paris while we are there. I just chose Chatelet les Halles as the final stop because it seemed to be in the middle of everything. Now that you have confirmed what the parking lot listings say I can go about looking for an area in Paris to stay and see what station will be closest and adjust accordingly. No one has indicated that it's not safe to leave the rental car at one of these parking areas overnight so I'll assume, for now, that it is an okay plan.