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Parking in or near Paris

Driving down from Normandy and need to ditch the car for three days while we stay in the city.What are my options for a reasonable parking lot? thanks

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1358 posts

Find a remote subway station and park on the street or in a paid parking lot. Ride the train into the center.

I always ask some on the street where to park. Find someone who lives in the neighborhood. Don't hesitate to ask people for help.

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11507 posts

If I was driving a rental car I would try and park it in secure parking,, just so its there when you come back for it..LOL

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8700 posts

Is there a reason why you need to keep the car while you're in Paris? If not, save the cost of paying rent for those three days of non use plus the parking fees. Turn the car in and pick up another one when you're ready to leave Paris.

You can buy a guide that has detailed information on all the parking lots and garages in and on the outskirts of Paris. See here.