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Paris transport and sightseeing passes

Hi: I'm confused as to what is the best option(s) for my upcoming trip. I will be traveling with my 2 teenagers (13 and 14 yrs old) to Paris arriving on a Monday, departing Friday (5 days). I need transport from CDG airport to central Paris and back, transport to and from Versailles one day, and around metro other days. I'm not sure what pass to get to also receive discounted tickets for various sights (Arc d'T, Eiffel, Nortre Dame, Mus D'Orsay, Louvre). Pls advise.

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3313 posts

Transport from and to airport - probably a shuttle bus best for you. Travel to and from Versailles - the RER commuter train Your kids will not need to pay for museums - under 18s are free. For discounts for you - the Paris Museum Pass. Except for Eiffel Tour. No discounts. And you'll have to pay for your kids' tickets there.

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8700 posts

If you're packing light, it's easy to take the RER B from CDG to central Paris and the Metro and/or other RER lines to your hotel. The fare from CDG to anywhere in central Paris is €8.70. For detailed information, including photos, see the Paris by Train site. Be aware that the RER B line divides northeast of Paris. When you return to CDG, be sure to get on a train that is going there. For your somewhat limited time in Paris you'll probably benefit most by buying ten-ticket carnets (€12.00) as needed and sharing the tickets. (This is especially true if you plan to do some exploring on foot.) Each ticket is good anywhere the Metro goes and on the RER in zone 1 and gives you unlimited transfers until you exit the system. Each ticket gives you bus transfers for up to 90 minutes after boarding the first bus. Tickets are also good on the Montmartre funiculaire. Buy individual tickets to get from Paris to Versailles-Rive Gauche on the Metro and the RER C. The fare is €3.05 each way. If you don't want to mess with individual tickets, then buy zone 1-5 Navigo Semaine passes when you arrive at CDG. They will cover your rides from CDG to Paris and back, your rides to Versailles and back, and all your rides in Paris. Even though you'll only use them for five rather than seven days, they could work well for you. Each pass will cost €33.40 plus a €5.00 fee for the card itself. You'll need to provide small photos to attach to the cards. For a list of all your transportation ticket and pass choices with links to detailed information about each one, go here. For information on the Paris Museum Pass, go here.

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8700 posts

Adding to my previous post. If you want to keep things simple, buy zone 1-5 Navigo Semaine passes (€33.40) when you arrive at CDG. They will cover your rides from CDG to Paris and back, your rides to Versailles and back, and all your rides in Paris. You'll need to pay a one-time fee of €5.00 for each card and provide small photos to attach to them. Entrance to Notre-Dame is free. There is a fee to climb the tower and the Paris Museum pass will cover it.