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Paris to Natzweiler

We will be in Paris the first part of June and want to go to the concentration camp located outside of Strasbourg. I think we can take a train from Paris to Strasbourg but from there does anyone know how we would go the 30 miles to the Natzweiler camp?

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19159 posts

According to Wikipedia, KZ Natzweiler is near (8 km) the town of Rothau. The German Rail (Bahn) website show one train per hour, about 50 min, from Strasbourg to Rothau. How you get from Rothau to Natzweiler (5 mi) is another story. Rothau has a website, (of course), but it's in French, which I can't read. It might say something about local buses or taxis in the area.

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8700 posts

Regional trains from Strasbourg stop in Schirmeck and then in Rothau. Schirmeck is a bit bigger than Rothau. If you can't get a taxi in Rothau, you might have better luck in Schirmeck. They're only 8km apart. However, this page on the concentration camp site says that, except for bus service on Sundays and bank holidays, access is limited to private car or chartered coach so there may be no taxi service from either Rothau or Schirmeck. The Rothau site listed by Lee has no reference to either bus or taxi service.