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Paris to London train

Where to get cheap train tickets from Paris to London in July? Why are they so expensive?

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643 posts

Well you've waited until the last minute. They become available around 3 months out, and the closer you get to your travel date, the higher the price usually goes. This is true for Amtrak tickets too. As the train fills up, the remaining seats become more expensive. Live and learn I guess. I bought round-trip tickets from Amsterdam to London for September and they were $150 each (Thalys and Eurostar trains). I say its a good price.

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9 posts

Very good price for your Sept tickets. Which website? just want to check different sites to compare. Tks My plan got changed, I guess I have to pay higher price for it.

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4535 posts

To get the best price you want to buy from Eurostar direct. Anyone else is going to add their markup. There is no competition to compare prices, but advanced purchases can get you better deals. You could also try a different time that is not as popular, the same way airline fares work.

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8700 posts

I normally highly recommend the Eurostar over flying. However, since the discount fare tickets are long gone for July, check on fares for London Luton to Paris CDG on easyJet. Not as cheap as a Eurolines bus, but reasonable, even at this late date.

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8293 posts

As previously noted, at this late date the Eurostar tickets are expensive, but at check out the prices for the various departure times. A cheap way to cross from Paris to London is by bus, Eurolines. Check into it.