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Paris RER travel outside zone of travel pass

If I get a travel pass for zones 1-2 or zones 1-3 but am going to Versailles or returning to CDG, do I in fact buy a pass for the zones outside my pass? Maybe the cost is inconsequential so it won't matter, but please advise. Thanks!

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264 posts

CDG and Versailles are in zone 5; there's no need to buy a five-zone pass for your entire Paris stay. Just buy the pass for 1,2 then buy individual RER tickets to Versailles and CDG. Bon Voyage!

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8700 posts

Versailles is in zone 4, not zone 5. A single ticket from central Paris to Versailles costs 3.05 EUR. A single ticket from central Paris to CDG costs 8.70 EUR.

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264 posts

You're a real hair splitter Tim! Thank you! However, I really do believe you got the point.