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Paris Rail Strike May 25-27. What do I need to know?

Dow Jones news service reported this this morning. My travel plans include leaving Paris (via Orly) on May 26.

PARIS (AFP)--French rail unions plan to organize a strike May 26 to coincide with a nationwide day of protest against President Nicolas Sarkozy's handling of the economic crisis, union officials said Friday

_ The four unions representing workers at the state-owned SNCF rail operator will serve official notice of the work stoppage beginning Monday May 25 in the evening until early Wednesday May 27.

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11 posts

I'd also be interested in hearing about updates on this strike as I'll be arriving in Paris on May 25.

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273 posts

Not sure about this strike but when we were in Paris last May & June there was a transportation strike, 1 just affected the trains while the other affected trains, planes and taxi's.

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3250 posts

Hi Erin, I'm not clear about your plans...are you leaving Paris for home on May 26th?

If so, I'd ask your hotel for your best options for getting to the airport on that day.

We were in Paris in January on a transportation strike day. Our hotel was very helpful in helping us determine our best route to the airport on that day. We took an Air France bus to the airport and got there just fine--we just left for the airport earlier than we would have otherwise.

Good luck!