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Paris Metro-Harry Potter Night Bus?

We got back from our Germany/France trip July 23rd. We used the Metro on one trip to and from somewhere...which for some reason I can't remember, but I'm thinking it was to the Louvre. Anyway, I'm sitting on the Metro with my teenagers, who grew up on Harry Potter books and movies.

I got a really strange feeling that it was somehow familar to me even though I had never ridden the metro or any type of train in Europe before. Finally it dawns on me and it reminded me of the Night Bus on Harry Potter, minus the talking shrunken head and the chandelier. I turned to my daughter and asked her what "this" reminded her of and she immediately knew what I was thinking...leaned over the isle and asked my son the same question...he knew too. I thought it was kinda funny. I just didn't expect it to be so jarring a ride, thought the whole thing was going to come off the track any minute-lol.

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Did it fly as well? :). Did you spot Diagon Alley? I think that it is so neat that parents and children have come together over the HP books and movies. We are seniors and just returned 2hrs ago from seeing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. We borrowed the 8-year old grandchild from across the street who has read all 7 books (she reads 4 grades higher). It transcends the generations.