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Paper European rail timetable now on sale again

(Note to Webmaster: sorry if this is considered too blatant a promotion of a commercial service. This is an entirely personal recommendation and I have no financial interest here.)

I remember quite a few of you were as disappointed as I was when Thomas Cook stopped publishing their monthly printed European rail timetable book because it wasn't profitable enough. Online journey planners on rail websites are great for recommending the fastest way from A to B, but they're pretty useless for seeing what other sites are within easy reach of somewhere, or on the way, or what the easiest order to visit several places will be.

The Thomas Cook editors have done a management buy-out, and the new version is now on sale online from The March edition is sold out, but they are taking orders for April.

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8863 posts

Do they still publish the larger summer and winter editions? I haven't seen one in a while. I find it to be good reading.

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2393 posts

Yes - I agree - this is an invaluable tool for planning & just plain fun to look through! I sent the new publisher an email a couple weeks ago - would LOVE to see this in an ereader format.

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4412 posts

Stan, here's some more info on this. The timetable was out-of-print for about 6 months.

Philip, I almost posted this yesterday, so I'm glad you actually did ;-)

I still have our TC European Rail Timetable from 1998 that we used for our first 5-week trek through Europe with our Global Pass (back when it was sooo much easier to just grab a railpass and GO). Took awhile to learn the key, though, but well worth it! Such fun memories...

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2393 posts

Funny you should post that Eileen - I just got rid of my very old one when I purchased a new one last year!