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own airfare

Considering a tour with Rick for the first time. I have many airline miles, so I am glad to see that his tours don't include airfare. Do many people arrange their own airfare and just meet in the arrival city? Thanks in advance!

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9371 posts

Yes, that's what you have to do. It's best to arrive at least a day ahead of the tour start, though, in case of any delays.

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1103 posts

We were on a Rick Steves Paris City Tour in May. We arrived two days before the tour started - this allowed us to rest up from the flight and get oriented to the neighborhood. Some tour participants arrived on the day the tour started (ie Sunday PM) and were dragging for the first part of the tour.

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1446 posts

Also, you can find out from the RS tour department the name of the hotel for the arrival city. That way, if you can arrive a couple of days ahead of time, you may be able to just book yourself directly at the same hotel and not even change hotel or room when the tour "officially" starts. If the flights are booked so far in advance that the tour department cannot yet confirm the name of the hotel, get yourself a hotel reservation that has no cancellation penalty to start. Then, when the hotel can be confirmed by the RS folks, you can stay on top of it and switch your booking, if you can. The tour dept can also give you enough of a detailed itinerary of the activities planned for the arrival city, that you can avoid duplicating the sightseeing. I'd ask for this around 6-8 weeks out.

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530 posts

I always wait til the hotel list is posted, then arrange to stay in the first hotel. Haven't had a problem, yet. It is convenient to come early, especially if the hotel can arrange for me to stay in the same room I'll be assigned for the tour. Plus, there will be a sign, usually in the lobby or front desk area, announcing when and where the group will meet.