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Other Transportation from Paris to London

I've checked into the Eurail,Chunnel,Fairy. Is driving an option? or is there another way to get from Paris to London?
I know you can fly, but we would like to be grounded.
Any help would be appreciated.

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8700 posts

You can take a Eurolines coach. There are daytime routes and an overnight route that would save you the cost of a night in a hotel. See Booked far enough in advance, you can get discount fares.

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23473 posts

Driving is an option only if your car floats. I think between rail, ferries, and planes you have it covered. What are you looking for?

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5 posts

Thanks for the info.
I did think about taking the ferry across with the car, but we decided we're not taking the car route.
While we're in Paris (5) days, we're taking the Chunnel to London for another (2) days. Where does the train leave you in London? Any good places, other than the tourist attractions, to see in London?
We love the old architectural buildings.

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267 posts

The Eurostar (chunnel train) arrives at London's St. Pancras station. For tips on attractions in London, I'd consult Rick's Great Britain Page or a travel guide. Those resources will give you a better idea of what is available to you. If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask them here.

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39 posts

If you want to take a car from Paris to London you have two options. The ferry or the EuroTunnel. For the EuroTunnel you drive your car on to a train and then 35 minutes later you are in Folkestone. It is a single price regardles of how many people are in the car.

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5 posts

Wondering if you can tell me what the weather is like in Paris and London in May, Our plans are for sometime in the end of May.
Thank again for the info.

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267 posts

I found some average temperatures:



Dress warmly. Pack for all seasons. Don't forget raincoats!

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5 posts

Can you tell me, on the Chunnel ride if the seating arrangements are confortable. When we leave Paris, we will be taking all our luggage, because we leave back to Calif. from London airport. Also I was told that the seats are very small. My sister is a little chunky and I would hate for her to be unconfortable.
Can you take the train and ferry across all in one day.

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267 posts

I found seating arrangements on the Eurostar to be quite comfortable, but I'm thin and short. The seats are bigger than ones on airplanes and have a good amount of foot room. If you want extra space, book Business Premier tickets (=super fancy 1st Class). These seats have extra space.

Use the luggage racks on the train for storage. The main luggage racks are located at the end of each car. Arrive at the station early so you can board before the racks are full. You may also store small luggage (backpacks, purses, duffel bags, etc.) on the racks above your seat.

Can you take the train and ferry across all in one day?
I didn't understand your last question.

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8700 posts


Does your sister fly coach? If so, she'll find the 2nd class seats on the Eurostar much roomier. They are comparable to seats in 1st class on airplanes. For photos of the seating layout for both classes on the Eurostar, go here: