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Options for a car

What is a good car to bring for a few months and sell in Europe after travelling? Renting a car is something like $4000 per month! That seems a bit high. How about a Chevy Cruze? 42 mpg.

Posted by
1589 posts

I'll play along- have you checked the ocean freight to get it sent there? Have you checked the documentation required (assuming that you are not active duty military) to get it in a country? Proceed with caution.

Posted by
9110 posts

And I'll challenge the four grand a month. It can be done easily for less than a thousand.

Posted by
2829 posts

If you are staying long term, considering leasing a car. It might cost as little as € 1600 for 7 weeks.

Posted by
165 posts

They sell the Cruze in Europe and have for a number of years. Two weeks rental in France last year was $500, that's about $1000+ a bit for the month. What were you quoted on? We had an Audi A3. Keep shopping.

Posted by
33508 posts

I'm in the wrong business. BTW - there have been others in the past year with the same or similar ideas. If you hunt around the archives you will find plenty discussion. One particular issue has been insurance. Mandatory and very hard to get. Have you investigated that? Also - you say "a few months". Have you arranged a visa for the countries you will be in and through? You only get a cumulative max of 90 days in any 180 in Schengen countries unless you have arranged prior visas. Also, have you investigated the legalities of a non-resident selling a car in the country in which you intend to sell it? (Hint - difficult or illegal depending on country).

Posted by
4 posts

Is there anyone who would be interested in a car after I am done with it? I just pass over the unassigned title and bill of sale and they take over until the next person.

Posted by
9369 posts

Pretty sure that's not legal, Steve. What about the license?
As Nigel said, you need to check into the legalities of a non-resident selling a car in Europe (as well as the insurance requirements of taking a car there in the first place).

Posted by
3 posts

Shipping a car to Europe; we recently shipped our Eurovan from Longbeach, CA to Rotterdam at a cost of about $1700 + European agent fees of $300-400. Figure approx 1 1/2 moths after you turn it into the shipping company (Cal Shipping). This shipper will let you load personal stuff in the car, where others disallow ANY personal possesions. If you've purchased the car within six months prior to shipping, the dutch government will demand up to 29% tax. Don't know about shipping the other direction after our year of travel, yet. ~ David
Spokane, WA 2/12/12

Posted by
33508 posts

Thanks for that , David. Although this question has slept for some time your info is valuable. The question does come up from time to time. I'm aware that you are only part way into your stay, and we will certainly look forward to your report on return, how do you feel about the process at your current stage? Worth it, or not?

Posted by
810 posts

The answer is none. $4000 per month is rediculous. Go to Auto France and check out leasing a car. It's a whole lot less than what you think espeecially if you are thinking about a Chevy Cruze. Last September we leased a Peugeot 308 diesel automatic for $1789 for three weeks. The 308 is a whole lot more car than any Cruze and unlike the Cruze which promisies 42 mpg., the 308 ran like a rabbit and delivered 44+ mpg as measured over 3500 miles of driving. On the lease program you have a brand new car that is insured to the hilt including liability and it will be the car you requested. If you take a car to sell, you have to ship it, get it certified to Eurpean standards which are not the same as North American, insure it and then fins somebody dumb enough to buy a car with no warranty. For that natter you get to drive a car with no warranty for a few moths too! Have a good trip.

Posted by
33508 posts

If you take a car to sell and you have to collect VAT and excise tax and pay it to the goverrnment. And most countries will not let you import with the intention of sale.

Posted by
1633 posts

Why don't you just buy a used car when you get there? Go to a military base and buy a car from someone who is moving back to the States and wants to unload their second car that they purchased while in Europe. Of course, like others have pointed out, you then need to deal with the licensing and insurance for the car. Check AutoEurope's prices online.