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Online Check-In for Ryanair & Easyjet (7 Days to Go!)

I have flights booked on Ryanair and Easyjet. What is the benefit of online ck-in when you have luggage to check? From what I understand, I HAVE to ck-in online for the Ryanair flight or I'll be charged some ridiculous amount. It just seems strange to ck-in and print our boarding passes so far in advance...especially when we have to deal with a ticket agent to check our luggage. Am I missing something?

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101 posts

I just put my in-laws on a Ryanair flight from Germany to Norway. Here's a quick rundown of how it went...I printed their boarding passes (return flight also) at home. Arrived at the airport 2hrs before flight time. Once there, they went to the "Visa check" (a must for all non-EU passport holders), then through the very long line to the Ryanair counter where the boarding passes were checked, and luggage weighed and checked. Next they were off to the security check and then on to the gate. The AP starting filling up just after we arrived, so I'd make sure I was there early.

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109 posts


Sam explained it perfectly. One quick addition: There are no seat assignments so it's first in line gets first seats.

For Ryan air, they aren't really ticket agents. They are there to expedite your bags onto the plane and weigh them. Be SURE you know that you aren't overweight because they weigh it and if it's even .1 kg over weight they will charge you for it. Also, adding extra bags to check is a pain (and expensive) so mail as much stuff home as you can.

I've found a good way to carry all that paperwork is to bring along a folder that never leaves your hands/backpack/carry on. I keep all my bus, train and plane info in there as well as hotels.

As far as online check in, it ensures that you are confirmed for the flight which allows you to arrive later to check your bags. It helps the lines go faster and hopefully smoother.

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7921 posts

There is much time saved by preprinting boarding passes, so that in even busy airports, the baggage check line moves pretty fast. At some small airports, the visa check and Baggage drop may be the same station, since they have to verify you have a valid ticket and ID on that flight in order to accept baggage.

My biggest concern was since I would be travelling more than the previous 7 days, I had to rely on finding an internet cafe with printer in order to get the boarding pass. We also did discover that if you lose your boarding pass, you can still go in and print a duplicate.

There are also scales (coin operated) at the airport to double check your bags.

Actually, the online check in has maybe meant a relaxing of enforcement on Carry on weight. It used to be at check-in they weighed everyone 100%. Now, my and other travellers experience has been mixed. At some airports you stand in line at the gate to weigh the carry-on(in England); others a flight attendant scopes out the crowd and sort of randomly/deduces whom to weigh(this was in Germany), and at one airport, it was entirely voluntary/nonexistant to weigh bags at the gate (this occured in Croatia). The problem is you never know which situation you will encounter.

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159 posts

Thank you all for the info! Paul, that was my concern...printing the boarding passes so far before the trip and possibly losing them. Glad to know I can reprint them...will just have to find a place to do it if that happens. I will definitely be on top of the weight issue...certainly don't want that extra charge!