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Okay, so how about the Nice Passengers.

After finishing the meal on board, my girls (12+14) were still hungry(no surprise there). I love the nice passenger who gave my girls their unopened Yogourt, Juice and cookies from their meal.

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671 posts

My 5 year old was sitting with her father during landing in the row in front of me and started throwing up- a lot. My husband had a large bag, which she filled. I was kind-of stuck and he had the wipes with him. The woman next to me knew where the airsickness bags were (we did not) and found one and gave it to him, as well as the rest of her baby wipes (she had kids with her, too.) It was really nice, and we were so thankful! Actually, in all honesty, there wasn't a nasty person on either of our flights.

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331 posts

I think that "bad passengers" are rare, but when you are spending 8-10 hours stuck with one, it can really ruin your trip. Travelling with kids can be tough. And a vomiting child is not anyones favourite seatmate (not for you either, I am sure) So glad that someone was able to help out, rather than give you and your little "the look".

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864 posts

My nephews were traveling as unaccompanied minors (6 & 9 I think it was). They were seated next to "a mean man". Some businesswoman switched seats with said "mean man" and let Ronnie put his head in her lap and sleep. The kindess of strangers surrounds us if we but look to see.