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Obese and traveling in Europe?

I'm obese (particularly around the lower abdomen) and will be traveling to Paris and London. Based on the various photos that I've seen looks like the ticket turnstiles/gates at the entrances to the Paris Metro, and London underground are quite narrow in width. Therefore, I'm worried about my access to the Paris Metro, and London Underground. Are there alternative entrances for those individuals that can not fit through the turnstiles? Please let me know...and offer some suggestions. THANKS!!!

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693 posts

Bee, I can't speak for London but in Paris I really preferred taking the bus to taking the metro. There are long underground walks in the metro stations that are too much for me these days (I'm no spring chicken and arthritic to boot). The Paris web sites have good bus maps (as does the Rick Steves Paris book) and the rides are scenic and outside of rush hours you can usually get a seat. You can reach just about any important site via bus. Maybe someone on this forum knows if they have elevators in the metro stations...

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23727 posts

Our experience is that is almost always a luggage or handicap gate that is available if you need more space. Sometimes a guard will be present who will open the gate. There are heavy people in Europe who have the same need. I don't think you should have much of a problem.

Posted by
881 posts

Hi, Bee.

I'm a big 350lb+ guy, and all the stations in England I can remember have luggage pass thrus, even the smallest ones out int eh country. They are usually manned, and if you're a bigger person, the worker will often start to open the gate for you before you even get there. I dated a brit for 7 years, so I've been through my fair share.

In Paris, I was a little smaller - but I don't really remember any problems there either.

Have a great trip! Chris