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No more Trenitalia ticket purchases for me?

I registered with Trenitalia about 9 years ago and have bought many tickets online since, but not in the past 4 years. I wanted to buy our tickets for March now when I can get Super Economy prices, but I could not log in. The website did not recognize my email. (Curiously, it had my password pre-entered, at least it was the correct number of digits). So I tried to continue the purchase by ticking the “proceed without login” box and it let me get all the way through train choice, seat selection, etc., but at the final step before payment it said my “details are not valid” or something like that. No specific field was flagged as incorrect with respect to how I entered the information.

Is there a trick to getting past this, or is my old registration now invalid? Has anyone been able to purchase without registering? (I tried re-registering using the “I do not have a Code Fiscale” box but that didn’t work either.)

I know I can purchase the tickets through (and I did), but I am curious if anyone has had any luck with Trenitalia recently.

Posted by
8247 posts

Update: You have to create a new account. The site has changed since 4 years ago and rarely does a password or login credentials stay valid that long nowadays with updates to websites to make them more secure. If you use the same browser for other websites that require user name and password and have chosen to autofill that browser may be mistakenly filling the password like this ****

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6677 posts

I had no problems with Trenitalia. I created an account and paid with AMEX.

Posted by
23680 posts

I would guess that they simply deleted your account for inactivity. I have had that happen before.

Posted by
17601 posts

OK, I get that. But then why was I unable to register in a new account? There were no red flags on individual entries; just a non-specific message that it could not go through. I am usually pretty good at figuring things out, but here it was a no go.

Not a big deal, as I was able to get the tickets tgrough Trainline and the service fee was tiny. In the case of MIlan to Naples, it actually came out less, as they were able to sell me Super Economy tickets which Trenitalia showed as sold out.

Posted by
3313 posts

Lola, you might want to try using the TrenItalia app vs. the website. I found it much easier to use. Also, if you need to use an Italian address or a Coda Fiscale, use the address of any hotel and you can generate the Coda Fiscale on this website.

Posted by
32405 posts


One way to avoid the sometimes problematic Trenitalia website would be to use Tickets for Italo are also available there, so that provides "one stop shopping". I've always found it to be very reliable, and they also have a smartphone app.

Posted by
3812 posts

If you need to enter data only an Italian could provide, you are using the browser-translated version of and not the English one (

Details not valid could mean that you used the wrong date format, that you tried to put your middle name, that you did not check the terms & condition boxes, that your email ends with a suffix they flagged as suspicious... In short nobody can tell the mistake you did without a "print screen"

Posted by
1277 posts

Hi Lola. Based on your post, out of curiosity, I tried to log in to my trenitalia account. My situation is similar to yours in that I first bought tix and set up my account several years ago, and the last time I bought tix was 4+ years ago in June 2015. My login from then still worked fine, and I could easily view details from those 2015 tix.
You mentioned that when you tried to login, the website 'did not recognize my email'. But to login, the site asks for a userid, not an email address. Do you perhaps have a userid that you could try for login? Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
17601 posts

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your comments. I do have a "user ID" from my old registration that I tried to use with my old password, and that was not recognized. Thinking my password was the problem, I entered my email address for password recovery. That was when the website said it did not recognize my email address.

Since I have now purchased my needed tickets through Trainline, I don't really need to solve this, but I may keep trying out of sheer stubbornness! Especially since you and others have found that their old registration is still valid, and some who were not previously registered have been able to accomplish that under the new system.

Posted by
406 posts

I've been looking at train fares. I've put in the departure and destination cities, etc, to see fares for trains.
How do you get "super economy prices" like the OP posted about?

Posted by
23680 posts

Evan, you have been around this site long enough to know about hijacking other peoples questions. You should post as your own question. But to briefly answer your question -- what web site are you using? If you are using trenitalia, click on the little down arrow in the price box - right hand side -- and all of the fares available for that train at that time will show. If the super economy fare is available it will be there. If sold out, it is gone. The price box always lists the cheapest fare. If you notice it says --- from xx.xx. If you are a couple months out that is generally the super economy fare.