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night train - station security Milan

We are planning to take a night train from Milan to Paris this summer. It leaves Milan Central at 23:35. I would appreciate advice from people with experience at the Milan train station - does the plan described below raise your personal-safety hackles?

We plan to arrive in Milan by train from Veneto region in late afternoon, check our (carry-on, manageable) luggage in the lockers, wander around the town a bit and have dinner. Then we will return to the station in time to get the train, say 22:45. "We" is me (confident, experienced traveler but middle-aged and petite woman) and my family (husband and two eye-catching teenaged girls who are all travel neophytes).

We could catch the train from Venice earlier in the day, but wanted to bum around on local trains and stop occasionally on our last day in Italy. But we will do the Venice train if the consensus is that safety is an issue with Plan A. Advice appreciated (and yes, I did search first for similar topics - no luck.)

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1 posts

Weare also wondering if it is safe to wait for a night train in Milan Central station. We have read many things discouraging us from waiting there until 23:35, to include that Milan's homeless population have taken to sleeping inside the station at night.
We could travel back to Florence and take a sleeper from there if we would be safer. I wonder what time it will be dark in Milan in September.
Nelly, if you do decide to take the night train Milan to Paris this summer, would you please let us know how it goes.

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1078 posts

I think Nadine hit the key--you don't have to hang around the station. The restaurants in Italy usually are open for late dinners, and a dinner lasts around two or more hours; I would arrive 15 minutes prior to find the track and your car station. Then, it's the same as if you were traveling to Vancouver with the same precautions.

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2023 posts

The Milan Central Station has a left luggage area that is secure and cost 3.50 euros per bag but lockers are not available there. The main level (LL is on this level)seemed fine but the lower level where we went to find ATM was a bit sketchy--witnessed the cardboard box scam but the police were right after them--innocent bystander was knocked to the floor in this flurry of activity. Have a great trip---you will love Milan and all Italy.

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1449 posts

if Milan is the starting point of the night train, you can usually board about 20 minutes before departure. At least that was our experience taking 2 City Night Line trips.