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Night Train Reservations

Hi Everyone... I know this has probably been asked before but looking through old topics i havent been able to find quite all the info i need. I will be arriving in Europe on July 9, and my first train travel will be from amsterdam in July 15 (flights before) I will be taking a night train from Milan to Paris on July 31 with a rail pass. I know i need to reserve and thet these tend to book up. My question is if i should reserve here or wait till i get there. Can i book that train from Amsterdam or even Dublin train stations? I heard it is cheaper to reserve there. Also, how early is reccomended. Im all about saving money but im not sure i want to take the risk of losing a precious paris day... I can book through sta or raileurope for a 6 bed couchette for 42USD... will it be a lot cheaper if i wait? I am just worried that with it being heavy tourist season i sould book super early...Thanks!

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1449 posts

reserve now. Night trains sell out their sleeper compartments. I don't know if it will be cheaper if you wait, but you're in a different boat then many Europeans. For example a person I work with is Italian and when in college he would take the night train to Munich from Bologna to visit friends there. I recently took the same train. However he was completely flexible on travel dates; if one day was sold out, he'd go another. On the other hand I had hotel reservations and needed to be in Munich on a certain day. So even if it would have been cheaper I'd rather have the certainly of a place to sleep on the night I wanted to travel.

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58 posts

hey. thanks. I actually just went ahead and booked them. It may cost more but its worth the peace of mind as we have hotel reservations and a delay would mean we would lose time in paris before flying home...not good