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Night Train - Paris to Milan

My apologies if this has been posted someplace and I missed it.

My girlfriend and I are planning to take a night train from Paris to Milan. When I was looking at the website I came across the Artesia Night train.

I am not sure what it is like to sleep in a compartment with 6 other bunks but I was told that it wasn't very pleasant. When I looked at the more private options the "First Class Sleeper Compartment T3" game me this message...

* Class: Comfort
* From: Paris
* To: Milan
France-Italy Night T3

"Fare provides travelers with a compartment that contains a 3-bed sleeping compartment in 2nd class. No Mixed Genders allowed in the same compartment unless 3 travelers who are traveling together occupy all beds in the compartment."

Does anyone know how strict they are regarding the no mixed genders? Would my g/f and I need to book separate tickets and sleep in different parts of the train? We could pay an extra $100+ for a private room but that seems silly.

Thanks for any comments!

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83 posts

Better how? Cheaper?

I was looking at the website and saw this which makes me wonder...

"NB : The cabins in sleeping cars are for customers of the same sex, except for those who reserve and travel together."

Maybe I should just contact them directly to ask.

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8700 posts


While the Artesia site has lots of information, you can't book tickets on it. All you can do is click on a link which will take you to a booking site connected with the country you choose as your country of residence.

To have the best chance of getting a discount fare, book ASAP (up to three months in advance) at and choose Canada as your country of residence. The cheapest fares may already be gone so act fast! If discount fares are still available, they will be a lot cheaper than the fares you'll find on the Rail Europe site.

If you choose 1st class, you'll be shown the fares for bunks in a four-person couchette. If you click on the drop down menu and choose double sleeper, the page will refresh itself and you'll be given the fare for that.

If you don't want to pay the price for beds in a two-person sleeper, choose bunks in a four-person couchette. All couchettes are the same size. The only difference is in how many bunks are pulled down. You'll have a lot more room in a four-person couchette than you will in a six-person one.

Four-person couchettes are either mixed or women only.

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83 posts

Thanks for the info guys, I appreciate it. I am a travel newbie so a lot of this stuff is a bit overwhelming.

If I order from is it better to pick up the tickets in Paris or have them mailed?

We are planning to take the night train July 6th so it is still a couple months away.

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8700 posts

The advantage to having your tickets sent to you in the mail is that you won't have to stand in line at a ticket window to retrieve them. The advantage to picking them up at the station is that you cannot absentmindedly leave them at home. It's your call.