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Night train or easy jet from Paris to Rome

We will be travelling from Paris to Rome and needs to arrives Rome in the arvo on the Sunday before easter weekend. We are deciding between the double sleeper or easy jet.

I have done a few "Trial run" on the Sncf website for a Sat in March, and the cheapest fare that I get is around 260 euro for 2 people, and the trains leaves around 18:50 and arrive Rome at 10 the next morning. I assume our tickets will be similar price when we book for April or more expensive, since it is close to easter.

We also checked Easy Jet last night, and noticed that they have a morning plane that leaves 7:50 from Orly and arrives at Rome CIA at 9:30 in the morning. The tickets costs 37 Euro each. Definitely a HUGE price differce. However we never flew with easy jet b4, so i am a little worried about them losing our backpacks, plane get delayed..etc. catching the plane means we will need to pay for airport transfer and accomodation for the night - probably somewhere very close to Orly airport.

Not sure which way we should go? Anyone have any recommendations?

If we do decide to go for EasyJet, how far in advance do we need to book? or their tickets are always cheap?


Posted by
8700 posts

easyJet is a very reputable airline. However, like all budget airlines, it is important to stay within the luggage size and weight requirements and to observe the very strict check-in deadline. An alternative budget airline would be Vueling (CDG-Fiumicino). With budget airlines, the sooner you book the lower the fare. If you wait until the last minute, you'll pay as much as you would to fly on a national carrier.

The standard fare for the night train will be the same in April as it is today. To get the best discount fare, book as far in advance as possible (up to 90 days allowed).

Posted by
36 posts


I checked Vueling, they only have one plane going there and it arrives around 18:30, I guess their morning one have sold out or they no longer have it, coz that will be perfect for me. There is Ryanair but it departs from BVA Paris which is quite far.....

The 260 euro is the non-flexible one on 8th march which is exactly 90 days.. So i think this is the best price I can get? The normal price is 400+ euro I think, Which is too expensive for us.

In that case I will book the easyJet tickets asap before they put the price up!

Posted by
7898 posts

I look at it this way, you will not see much on the trip, so the plane is probably the best option to get from point A to B. Some see an overnight train trip as a quaint romantic experience, Others find it a sleepless night. True, you "save" a night of Hotel cost, but a wonderful meal in Paris or Rome before a late night stroll, coupled with a sound nights sleep and an early morning with a coffee and pastry is well worth the cost.

Posted by
11507 posts

I vote fly. I have flown Vueling, when faced with a choice of ( at that time) 300 euros per person or 80 euros per person. No contest to me.
I don't think sharing a sleeping compartment with strangers sounds that romantic at all,, LOL, perhaps if one could afford something like a cabin on the Orient Express that would be romantic,, but modern trains and shared compartments, blech!
As you said, the EJ flight time works better for you, so thats what I would do.
Do watch luggage weight, and on Vueling it had that you could pay an extra 5 euros for a checked bag if you booked and paid in advance online for it, but if you tried it at check out I think the luggage cost went up to 15 euros, so read all fine print online carefully, and keep your( luggage) weight down.

Posted by
6788 posts

EasyJet is fine. I flew them earlier this fall, it's juat an airline like any other. As others have mentioned here, read he fine print about luggage size/weight and check-in time, and you'll be fine.

Regarding the night train - how heavy a sleeper are you? I found out that I do not sleep in trains, even with all the "comforts". That night train was miserable for me - not one minute of sleep. Others obviously do better, but it's not for everyone (including me).

Posted by
368 posts

Fly. That's all I have to say. :-)

Posted by
36 posts

Sorry guys, forgot to mention the 260 Euro is the price for a double sleeper, so per person would be 130 Euro, but still more expensive than 37 Euro on easyJet + a night at a 3 stars hotel.

My husband is a very light sleeper, the type that needs to wear eye mask and ear plugs, there is no way he can sleep on the train.

Thank you so much, we will definitely fly to Rome!

Posted by
36 posts

I got my tickets :)

Tim: thanks for your advice about booking tickets early. As some of the tickets that I want to buy have double and triple the price in the last 2 days!!