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Nice to Paris TGV - is this price reasonable?

It’s been many years since I’ve purchased train tickets within Europe so I’m not sure what is a reasonable or expected cost. Please advise before I hit “buy”! - $460
Nice to Paris one way
TGV - no changes
Second class
2 adults, 1 youth
Sunday, July 17

Thank you!

Posted by
28585 posts

I'm not an expert on French rail fares, but that sounds high to me. I wonder whether you're looking so early that the promo-priced tickets aren't loaded yet. You'll almost certainly pay extra buying from Trainline rather than directly from the French railroad, SNCF.

I just looked at Friday, July 1, and found adult fares ranging from 39 to 89 euros. I would certainly not buy tickets from Trainline at that price without doing more research.

Please give us your travel date so the folks who are knowledgeable about booking French trains can give you more specific input.

Posted by
1279 posts

Like others have said - buy from the train company sncf-connect. Just like airfares, train fares vary hugely by date and time. Fares on that Sunday are high; roughly in the range you mention. If you wait until the next day, the noon train is E234 total, the discount 2pm train is E147 (plus small extra charges for bags, seats).. Enjoy your trip!

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7335 posts

The fare is unfortunately more or less normal for that day because it is the end of the Bastille Day holiday weekend, so all discounted fares probably sold out immediately - and I am just realizing now that I missed the opening day for summer train reservations ...

Do check the official SNCF Connect website. If the price is still in that range, I would look at flights too, because tickets to Orly on Air France are still about €100 or so, and you would save about 2 hours of total travel time.

Posted by
10787 posts

EasyJet also flies to Paris.
Or, go the next day.

The 14th July holiday weekend is about THE HEAVIEST summer travel time in France, but 2 adults and 1 youth would be 237 euros on the 5:52 am direct train or 304E at 6:28 including a change in Marseille, or 333 euros at 7:52 direct. I'm looking on sncf connect.
It also appears that Trainline is adding its cut, since the highest I see during prime hours is 394 euros or $430.

Posted by
159 posts

Thank you, all! I will definitely buy from SNCF. Our travel date is firm but it’s really helpful to know why the ticket price may be higher that day (Sunday of a holiday weekend!)