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Need to book Munich -> Salzburg train tickets in advance?

Do I need to book Munich -> Salzburg train tickets in advance, or will there be no problems if I buy them on the day of? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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19099 posts

Unless you are traveling on an awfully important holiday, you should have no problems purchasing your ticket on the day of. There is an express train every hour from Munich to Salzburg. If you are really concerned you can buy a reservation at the time you buy the ticket. The only time I could not find a seat on an express train was on Dec. 26 (2nd day of Christmas) from FRA to Mannheim, but although every seat was occupied, less than half were reserved, so I could have made a reservation when I bought the ticket and had a seat.

Another option, which would take about ½ hour longer but save some money, would be to go by regional trains (no reservations required or available) with a Bayern-Ticket for €19 single, €27 for 2-5 people.

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46 posts


We took the Munich to Salzburg train last month. We had an entire car to ourselves.

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3112 posts

The Bayern tickets are a great deal. I did a day trip from Munich to Salzburg using one and the regional trains worked just fine.