I want to take Vueling for a flight from Spain to London. I have gone to the Vueling website and gone through all the initial steps to buy a ticket. I put in my name/address and credit card info, then continue to the next page. Soon, I am asked again for my credit card info and name/address, etc. This is info that I have already provided. I'm afraid of this duplicate step; I may be ordering two tickets. Has anybody else encountered this? Is this just the way Vueling handles online ticket ordering? I really want the Vueling flight because it flies to LHR; Easyjet flies to Stansted, which is inconvenient for me.
Now I've re-activated my credit card (it had been blocked) and tried again. Nope. I tried a different card. Nope. I joined the "myvueling account" deal, thinking that might make ordering a flight easier. Still Nope. It's daytime in Spain so that should mean working hours. Maybe it is siesta time. I seem to have an 800 number for them, so may try that. There is a European number, but I hate calling Europe. My hearing problem, plus accented English, make it very difficult for me to understand telephone speech. I'm attempting to make a reservation in May. It may be "too far out," but the website doesn't suggest that. I may end up with easyjet, just because I know their website works. Any suggestions?
Swan I have purchased Vueling tickets twice, and both times encoutered same problem!! So frustrating . I obviously managed to get it done, but I had to do all the things suggested ( phone my bank and CC company to make sure card was not blocked) and I think I ended up using another card. Also with some ticketing ( for train tickets I have purchased online too) I have found that once "rejected" you have to wait 24 hours to try same card again or its automatically rejected again!
I went through this whole song and dance this past spring getting my idTGV tickets too..
My credit card company (Chase) suggested that the fraud alert probably wouldn't have been triggered if I had called them before trying to buy internationally.
It's a really good idea to always call your credit card company before making an international purchase online.
I recently purchased Royal Opera tickets online. I didn't call first. Not only did it immediately reject, but before I could dial my credit card's 800 number I also received an e-mail fraud alert. Of course, no problem clearing the alert on the phone and re-inputting the transaction while still talking to them. Say what you want, I've never had a problem with Capital One's customer service.
Today I went to the cheapoair.com website and was able to buy (what is probably) the same ticket I tried to buy yesterday on the Vueling website. The ticket says Iberia, but it also says "operated by Vueling Airlines." I think the Vueling website is the problem.