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need help planning Northern Spain route

Hi gang - Can someone help me plan the 2nd half of my Spain trip? I have 14 days left to plan. No car (i don't drive) Trains buses or planes only. I arrive in Segovia at 3 in the afternoon and I'm spending the night. First question: is that enough time to see the town including the Cathedral and Castle? The cities I have left to visit after Segovia (not necessarily in this order) are Salamanca (and possibly Avila), Santiago de Compostela, San Sebastian and Barcelona. I have already booked the last 3 nights in Madrid. Wouldn't mind stopping in Leon for a night, if possible or I could skip it. In what order would you visit the above cities and how long for each? Rick advises going to Salamanca via Avila after Segovia but it's a Sunday and there are only 2 buses: 9AM and 6PM. Would you advise taking the 9AM bus after only being in Segovia since 3PM the day before or would you hang around til 6PM? Would you stay 1 or 2 nights in Salamanca? And from there to Santiago (late arrival) or San Sebastian?
MANY THANKS for your help.

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1178 posts

There is a train from Madrid (Chamartion Station) which goes to Avila, an hour or so, and then on to Salamanca, another 1/2 hour or so as I recall. Fairly frequent schedule, but check the renfe site to get the current times. Have been by Avila several times, but never stopped there. From what I understand you would want to walk the wall, and see the church with the relics, etc. Some good food as well. Salamanca would take two days I think to see it comfortably. I spent three days and two nights there last year and was amazed at all it has. A good tourist center is on the Plaza Mayor, as well as good restaurants. There were some guides, but the tours were in Spanish. I chose to go on my own, purchase the books, and read up about the city. Suggest you check a copy of The Moon Guide To Spain...very good tour information about all of spain.

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9110 posts

Segovia: go to the alcazar first, since it closes early. One hour is a rush, two is okay. Salamanca, Avila, and Santiago all need a half day - -it doesn't have to be in daylight. Same for Segovia. For order from Segovia, it would be Avila, Salamanca, Santiago. Take the early bus out of Segovia. One night in Salamanca is enough. Santiago is after Salamanca. San Sebastian and Barcelona are next, in that order. I'd guess both of them are going to be a bear to get to from the west coast of Spain - - lot of waiting and back-tracking maybe?

Posted by
162 posts

thanks you guys. The trouble with Santiago to San Sebastian is that it's an 11 hour train ride. I see that Rick now suggests stopping in Comillas or Santillana del Mar. But those are still about as long a ride if not longer (due to the slow coast train). Thinking about making an overnight stop in Leon between Santiago and San Sebastian. Is that a good idea? So it sounds like I can do Segovia in one day arriving at 3PM if I make a bee line for the Alcazar. Thanks again for your help... I got some help here last time and forgot to thank you for it. My apologies.
I'll probably be back with more questions.

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2876 posts

Iberia will fly you from Santiago de Compostela to San Sebastian. You have to go via Madrid, but it's still way faster than bus or train. Just throwing that out as an option.

Posted by
162 posts

thanks for the tip on the flight from Santiago to Madrid to San Sebastian. A good idea but unfortunately out of my budget. Over $300. I think I'll take the train and stop in Leon.