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Need help getting through to german city night line resv call line

I am trying to book a City Night Line train for 2 persons going from koblenz to Amsterdam in June, and having no success. It cannot be booked online (I tried many times) so I have called the number given on the website (1805141514) repeatedly for the last 2 days. Each time, I am placed on hold. When someone answers and I ask for an English-speaking agent, I am transferred to a recording that says “all lines are busy-please call back later”. This is becoming extremely expensive to make all of these international calls. I also tried to contact customer service for assistance, and they said they could not help. Today when I was transferred, a person from the call center answered. She said she could not help me. When I asked her when is a good time to call to get through to an English-speaking agent, she said “I am sorry-I cannot help you”. Does anyone have a suggestion? Of course I could wait until I get to Germany, but by then, the discounted tickets will all be sold.

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Several things you should know:

  1. The CNL train to Amsterdam passes through Koblenz at 7:45 in the morning and gets into Amsterdam in early afternoon. Why would you want such a "night train"? You can get there in less time with regular trains, and probably for less or the same money.

  2. That CNL train only runs Friday to Sunday. What DOW did you want?