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Need help deciphering a rail ticket

Hi, I have purchased an online DB ticket from Frankfurt-Flugh to Zuerich: The Europa-Spezial Europa-Spez. Schweiz. The top box in the top line says Frankfurt to Zuerich but the next line details a F-Flugh ICE517/MA-Hbf ICE871 via Basel Bad.The bottom box reads: F.Flughafen Fern/Mannheim ICE 517 - Mannheim/Basel ICE 871 - Basel/Zurich TGV 9215. When I purchased the screen read the leg from Basel to Zurich was incomplete and the cost went from 68,00 to 62,00. Do I still need to purchase the TGV 9215 portion of this trip?
I tried calling DB and no operator spoke English! Since there is only 20 minutes between connections, I would feel safer to have all my tickets in hand prior to arrival. Any advice?

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8700 posts

Hi, Lori.

Since he has booked many trains on the DB site, Lee from Denver can probably give you a more definitive answer; but I assume that since the Basel-Zuerich TGV 9215 is listed, your ticket is complete all the way to Zuerich. If I'm right, you should find a seat assignment number for that TGV. (Seat reservations are required on TGVs.)


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19232 posts

On two occasions I have called DB in Germany. The first time I asked, "Do you speak English?", and she said, "Moment", and put me on hold for several minutes (at Int'l phone rates) for an English speaking operator. So, the second time I called I just said, in German, 'I can try this in German, but it is easier if you speak English', and she said, 'Try in German'.

So, I know that at times they have English speaking operators. I know of others who have had success in Enlgish. You might try again. Did you call the 996633 number?

I have only purchased Dauer-Spezial tickets (for completely inside Germany) online, and it appears that the formats are different. Without seeing the tickets, I can't offer an opinion.

You are welcome to contact me by PM and I will give you an email address to which you can send me a scan (or the pdf file) for that ticket. (There is no danger to you since I can't use the ticket without having your credit card for ID.) Then I will try to give you an opinion.

F-Flugh ICE517/MA-Hbf ICE871 via Basel Bad is the description of the DB Fernverkehr portion of the trip, which is a necessary element, I think, for the Europa-Spezial fare.

However, I would have expected something more, 2 x €3, to have been added for the reservation for the Swiss portion of the trip. In the reservation area of the purchase screen it said, "Per seat & per way 2,00 EUR." That added to the €29 per person fare equals €62. Is that what the ticket says the Summe is? After that it says, "The prices for reservation for the non German part of the journey vary, depending on the country", so I would expect to see fee for the TGV reservation.