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Munich to Venice- Train or Fly

Since many of the flights from Toronto to Venice involve a stop-over in Munich, I wonder if it would be worthwhile to make the last leg of the trip by rail. I don't mind the extra cost and time if the rail trip is "worth" it. While many of the trains are overnight, there are a couple day trips to chose from. We are going in mid- September if that makes a difference.
Comments from anyone who has made that journey would be appreciated.

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32325 posts


That's a reasonable trip to make by train, so that's probably the route I would choose. The scenery through the Kufstein-Brennero portion is awesome! The train will stop at the border for a few minutes to change locomotives.

You'll undoubtedly have at least one change of trains, possibly in Verona (if you haven't used trains in Europe, you might want to review the "Rail Skills" chapter in Europe Through The Back Door).

I feel the trip is "worth it", but I suppose there will be varying opinions on that.

Happy travels!

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1358 posts

I suggest that you request a computer print of your itinerary at the RR counter. I have used the print in other parts of Europe with success. Some offices offer that service.

It will show train numbers, station names where changes may be required, departure and arrival times and train numbers (sometimes even car numbers).

After boarding your car ask some passengers if your car goes to your destination. I often ask someone to alert me when we approach a station where I get off.

You may be surprised at how helpful other passengers will be in helping you. After traveling in over 50 countries I am thankful that many locals are so eager to help me find my way.