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Munich to Ljubljana Train

What is the difference between 1st and 2nd class fares other than cost. How secure will our luggage be on the train and where do we store it? Are there recommended seat numbers that face forward?

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19158 posts

1st class seats are usually larger, with a little nicer upholstery. First class coaches have 2-1 across seating rather than 2-2 (2 seats on each side of the aisle). I think luggage security will be about the same. Assuming you don't have huge amounts of luggage and the train isn't full, you can usually put it on the overhead rack or on the seat next to you, where you can watch it, in either class. Because trains often go into a station in one direction and come out of it from the same side in the other direction, certain seats don't always face the same way.

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32252 posts

Daniel, As Lee mentioned, the trains don't always travel in the same "direction", so you could be sitting forwards on one leg of the journey, and backwards on another. I've found that even when travelling with reserved seats, sometimes the Coaches have lots of empty seats so it's easy to change seats. Regarding luggage storage, which option to use will depend on what type of gear you're travelling with. If you're using a behemoth Wheelie Bag, you'll likely have to use the racks at one end of the car. Smaller bags can normally be placed on the rack above the seats, or even beside you if the seat is empty. For security, I normally try to watch my luggage, especially when the train is in a station, as that's the most likely time for it to disappear. If you're really concerned about security, you can either strap it or lock it to the rack. On my trip through Germany and Switzerland last year, I observed the misfortune of young couple from China. They had placed their "Wheelie Bag" behind their seat (between two seat backs, which formed a space like an upside down "V") and then went to the dining car. When they returned, the bag was gone! They walked up and down the entire train numerous times with Police from both countries, but eventually they had to face the reality - it was GONE! It's a good idea to be vigilant! Cheers!

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1717 posts

Hello Daniel. I was in a train, second class car, going from Munich to Lubljana, a long time ago. I am not certain of what the trains are like this year. When I was there, in the German trains the Second class cars had seats that were better than the seats in First class cars in other countries. And in German trains, I liked being in a Second class car, more than being in a First Class car. In the First Class cars, the seats were in a small room that has a glass wall. There were seats facing each other. Someone's big suitcase could be on the floor between the seats, causing discomfort to other passengers in that room. The windows may be shut, because an elderly woman there would feel cold if the window were open. So the windows were shut, causing stuffy air, a lack of oxygen in the room (that would cause me to have a head ache, and cause me to feel nauseous). In a standard train car (Second class) there is a window beside each pair of seats, and there was more space for baggage. Riding in a train in Europe, I put my bag on the rack that is above the seats. I can see my bag. If you put a bag on a baggage shelf that is at the rear of the train car, you could attach your bag to a frame, using a thick steel cable (for bicycles) and padlock. And that can be done on the rack that is above the seats.

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1717 posts

Daniel, Today I was informed that in Germany, both the First Class and Second class train cars have both the small rooms and an aisle with seats at both sides. The rooms are the same size in First class and Second class. In First class train cars less seats are in the room, and the aisle seats have more space between the seats for passengers' feet. The main difference is that in First class train cars service is provided by a waiter.