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Munich to Florence

in March of 2014 we are picking up our new car in Munich and driving to Italy for a 2 month stay in Umbria. What is the best route thru Switzerland? What re the weather and road conditions in March?

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8308 posts

Your chances of driving through Switzerland in March is iffy. The weather usually breaks the last of March, but you'll have to wait until you get there to check the condition of the roads. Any high mountain passes probably won't be clear until later. Your best bet would be to plan going down to Innsbruck, through the Brenner Pass and south into Italy. After the mountain roads are clear, you can go through Milano and up into Switzerland.

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2 posts

Thanks David! So do you think Munich to Innsbrook to Verona would be a safe bet?

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20980 posts

The Brenner Pass route will stay open in all but a raging blizzard. It is the lowest pass over the Alps and THE major artery between Germany and Italy.