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551 posts

YAY! I am so happy you posted this. I had given up looking for it to be reinstated. ATL is my home airport and I used to use it all the time. My last trip before the pandemic (Feb 2020) I was crushed to discover it was no more.

@periscope, I'm not sure how anyone would think Mobile Passport would replace your regular passport. I mean, you have to have your passport to LEAVE the country, so it's not like you're not going to have it with you when you return...?

Posted by
1207 posts

periscope - I understand what it is. Have used at other airports. Coming back thru ATL later in June and I have Global Entry but hubby does not. Hoping he can use MP.

kayla - me too! looking for first hand accounts. fingers crossed.

Posted by
551 posts

@celeste my husband probably can't get GE (youthful indiscretion years ago) so MP had worked great for us. Coming back from Iceland in 2019 via JFK, it allowed us to bypass a very, very long line and make our connection. Most of the time, though, we enter the country through ATL and had to wait in the regular line with the other peasants!

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1207 posts

kayla - I could have written your last post. 'nuff said. lol

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4111 posts

Perhaps a little off topic, but when I went through Atlanta 5/28, the Global Entry machine took my picture and spit out my paper. No presentation of passport, no answering of customs questions. I proceeded to the GE Line where the agent took a quick glance at my passport and sent me on my way.

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1207 posts

Nice! I may ditch him and go through GE without him, LOL.

ETA: Welp, I downloaded the app and ATL is on the list so I really hope it's available. Will report when we return post-June 20.