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Metro in Rome

I am planning a weeks stay in Rome and planned on using the metro. I have read a lot of posts on the web saying to stay away from the metro because of the mass numbers of pick pockets. So should I avoid using the metro?

Posted by
10344 posts

You don't need to avoid using the Metro because of a fear of pick pockets. You will have little to worry about if you follow Rick Steves' advice: keep your vital stuff (your "trip is greatly disrupted if they get this" items: ATM cards, credit cards, large amounts of cash) in a money belt or similar accessory worn under your clothing. If you decide not to follow this standard precaution, then you should be extremely vigilant to protect your vital stuff from the pick pockets on the Metro, at Metro stations, train stations, buses, etc, as these places are frequented by pick pockets who are good at what they do.

Posted by
9084 posts

To help you navigate Rome's bus and metro systems this website helps make it easier. Not to mention he has all sorts of interesting info on the site.

BTW Rome is a very walkable city. Travel lightly with a money belt and as you would any where you are not familiar with, simply make sure of your surroundings. Enjoy your visit. Fabulous city!

Posted by
11507 posts

Lori,, you would have to avoid the buses too then, as on crowded buses the pickpockets lurk also. So avoiding the crowded metro or buses is useless.

Just leave valuable in safe at hotel, carry one days money at a time.. passport (if you feel you must), in your moneybelt under your clothes,. Purse should go over neck and cross chest and have a good zip and buckle closure. Keep hand on it at all times in crowds, on bus or metro hold it to your chest if you must. Do not let hubby carry wallet in pocket.

I saw a man on the metro holding a newpaper over his arm like a waiter would hold a napkin draped over his arm. I stared at fury at him as I realized he does that to hide what his over hand is doing under it, he actually tried to avoid looking at me, but finally he did, and he actually moved awary from me.. I knew he was up to no good. , Be AWARE of people around you, but not psycho freaked out. I was alone with a child and was fine.

I know it sounds sort of scary when you read all the warnings , but fact is, if you heed the advice you have nothing to fear. Pickpockets prefer the ignorant and distracted.

Posted by
23547 posts

The best reason for avoiding the metro is that it doesn't go anywhere. The metro is very limited and nearly useless for ancient Rome. However, the buses are great and go everywhere. Just use you standard precautions and you will be find. We have been in Rome four times with no problems.

Posted by
75 posts

If you are worried about pickpockets, you'd have to avoid all European cities! It's not just the metro, it's in any crowd, in line for anything, at the market, on the bus, watching a street worries with a money belt! I suspect things may be worse in 2009 due to the global financial meltdown as well. But at least this is the extent of any crime I have seen, not the violent crimes commonly in the US. In my money belt, at my waist, UNDER my clothing is all I need to survive....passport, itinerary with phone numbers, one credit card, one debit card, some euros and a copy of my return flight. That's it! Leave the purse at home. Use a daybag for water, camera, map, and Ricks guidebook. Rome is a great place; just be prepared!

Posted by
1358 posts

No need to avoid the Metro.....just be cautious.

I usually empty my pockets completely. Carry
anything I need in my neck pouch.

Watch Rick Steves video and do everything he
suggests. My only comment is: I use a neck
pouch because I find it easier than a money belt to bring out and slip back in.

Pickpockets DO prefer the complacent,
occupied, ignorant and distracted. Women and
children can easily distract us. Be aware. But
don’t let fear disrupt the pleasure of travel.

On our first visit to Rome we boarded a
crowded bus and I paid the fare. I handed
my currency to my wife who placed it in her
money belt.

As we were standing shoulder to shoulder on
the crowded bus ride into the city center I felt a
hand in my pocket. I quickly grabbed a
man’s wrist. Sorry, nothing there. He
pulled away and disappeared into the
crowd. We all had a good laugh.

Posted by
42 posts

I just want to say thanks for all the replys. I had a brief visit to Rome in 2007 with a tour group and hated the whole tour thing. I never felt like I saw enough or had time to linger. I am planning to return to Rome this fall with a friend and my daughter. I have been researching everything but had come across some very negative comments about using the metro, everyones advice has been appreciated.

Posted by
23547 posts

Lori, you have to remember that people on travel sites such as this one report problems but travelers who do not problems seldom do. So you will have an disproportionate reporting of problems. We have had four trips to Rome, spent about two weeks there, and have yet to see a pickpocket or have any problems. I am sure they are there but not behind every pole in the metro or on every street corner. But use normal precautions.

Posted by
75 posts

I do agree with Frank. I've been to Europe seven times now and only had two potential incidents; one in the Paris metro where my husband found someone elses hand in his pocket! and once in a Rome market when someone tried to get into our daybag on my husbands back. Neither got anything. My moneybelt never leaves me and I put it under my pillow when I sleep!

Posted by
12313 posts

Unlike London, Rome has only two lines. We used the metro for getting to our lodging and back but walked the rest of the time. During our stay, there was maintenance on one of the Metro lines that caused it to close early each evening so we took more cab rides than we normally would.

We were there late October and used all the precautions (my favorite is to only carry one thing so it's easy to keep track of). I don't recall ever noticing problems with pickpockets but we were out of the high season.