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Meeting Someone at Charles De Gaulle Airport

I have flown into Paris a number of times but not in a year. This time I am meeting my daughter as we fly in from separate places. We both land at Terminal 1. I am thinking that I can stay in the section of the terminal where duty-free is and before you go through customs etc until her flight comes in. Am I remembering correctly? We come in an hour and a half apart. As long as I don't check a bag, I don't think this would be a problem and it is a slightly nicer area to wait. Opinions?

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9110 posts

Duty free is in the departure area. To get there you'd both have to go through customs/immigration and have a boarding pass for the next flight - - and go through security.. You'll need to pick a spot in the public area. Down on the CDGVAL level there's an okay restaurant (Hippopotamus) a McDonalds (maybe BK ?) and a couple of coffe places (but Caffe Ritazza is the only name that comes to mind). What I'd probably do is goof off in one of those places then go meet her at the exit to her arrival hall so you can press on about your business. I've never eaten at the T! Hippo, but the one at T2 is is on the small side and they tend to hustle you along - - you can't sit around and read a book. Also, a meal is twenty bucks or so.

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49 posts

Thanks, Ed. I think I walk through the departure area to get to Customs/Immigration (take the same long moving walkways as I do to get to the departure gate). Just can't remember it perfectly clearly. Since I will be arriving an hour and a half ahead of her, I was thinking of just not going through Immigration until after her plane gets in. Otherwise, I agree that meeting her when she gets through customs in the public arrival area is the way to go.

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8700 posts

You could hang out for awhile at Brioche Dorée. Here's a description from the official airport site: "French-style fast-food leader Brioche Dorée offers a very wide and varied range of Viennese pastries, sandwiches, tarts and cakes prepared and baked while you wait. Quality products, fast and efficient service in friendly surroundings: the secret of La Brioche Dorée's success." Public area. Open from 6:00 to 21:00