where can a person get a good map of Europe? I would even like a big one to put on the wall so I can plan these European trips.
If there is a travel store in your area, go there. They should have good maps. If there is not one in your area, find one online and order a map. Michelin and others put out great road maps covering all/parts of Europe.
You can get good Europe maps at any Barnes and Noble or Borders bookstore. Try your local large bookstore.
If you are an AAA member you can get them free. They will give you many many. There is one over all one called "Planning Map if Europe".
Thanks all.
Rick Steves sells all kinds of maps. I never evem thought of that.
They look good for planning.
In addition to physical maps, google maps makes it real easy to figure out distances and mark locations that you can save and access from any computer. We planned our entire trip using their service.
Sure, you can't print it out and put it on the wall, but all the features make it really simple to do planning.
More convenient than a giant fold-out map, Michelin makes an excellent road atlas that you should be able to find in the travel section of most large bookstores. Although not sufficient for navigating the mazes that most European cities call a "street plan", its a great tool for planning long distance routes.
Go to RandMcNally.com. Also NationalGeographic.com and Streetwise.com which is great for city maps. They have room size wall maps.
I agree that you should go to a retailer such as Barnes and Noble or Borders where you can examine the map before you buy it. I have looked at their assortment and find it extensive in my neighborhood.
I dont want to buy a map by mail order that I have not looked at carefully to be sure it meets all my needs.