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manned metro booths in paris

We are currently in Paris. Normally I avoid the metro as no matter what city I'm in I end up with a story to tell about a metro/train ride gone wrong. I think it is a phobia. We are going to a concert at Bercy Omnisport tomorrow night and while I plan to take a taxi there I hear they are tough to get on the way back. So I would like to buy metro tickets ahead in case I have no choice especially at 11/12:00 at night with 2 teens I don't want to have to figure out how to get home. I went to the st Michel stop near us but no luck. Does anyone know where a manned station is nearby? We're on rue st Andre des arts. Thank you for any info.

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8293 posts

You can buy tickets at the "corner shops" known as "Tabacs". Look for the RATP (Paris Transport) blue logo in the window or on the outside of the door.

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8700 posts

I don't know if the Saint-Michel Notre-Dame RER station has staffed tickets booths, but it is bound to have ticket machines which will accept euro coins.

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399 posts

Thank you both so much. I did not know the Tobacco shops sold metro tkts as well. I have about 5,90 euro in coins. About how much more would I need for 3 Tkts?
Thank you!

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9110 posts

Keep thinking. It might still be screwed up. If you try to hop the metro at Bercy, M14's going to be jammed up with people trying to go both ways when the whatever lets out. If you walk down to Cour St Emilion, the northwest-bound platform will have a lot less people. Sounds, good, but then the problem becomes that you have to get off at monstrous Chatelet and walk across the river. If you dork around too long waiting for a train with room, the metro could even shut down. ] It might be a nice night for a walk, it's only a couple of miles.

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11507 posts

hmm, I didn't think Tabacs sold single tickets, they sell "carnets" which is ten single one way tickets for about 13 euros.. ( a discounted price to buying them separately). If you cross the bridge and go to the Lourve Rivoli metro station it is manned ( but not on sundays as I recall).
Also as suggested you could try buying from machines, if you roll the bar at the bottom they do have option to read it in English.

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2349 posts

I left a concert at Bercy and had no problem getting on the Metro. I suspect the concerts are timed to end early enough. Plenty of people around and it felt safe, but we were mostly old. It was a Dylan concert. I was able to take the 14 to Chatelet and transferred to the 1. There was a nice pre-concert vibe going on around the venue. I got a sandwich at a shop and sat on the steps. Have fun.

Posted by
399 posts

Thank you. This is the 1 Direction concert (lucky me eyes rolling) so I'm expecting it to be mobbed. I think I'll just purchase the carnet and cross my fingers. Thank you all so much.