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Madrid to Malaga Airport (or vice versa) by train

For those who have mentioned travelling to or from Malaga airport by train, there have been some changes at Malaga's main train station, Maria Zambrano. Construction of the new Cercanias (commuter train) part of the station is now complete.
If you purchase a train ticket to or from Malaga, a ride on the Cercanias system is included in the fare....the ticket will say, "Includye Cercanias Malaga."
If you are coming into Malaga on the AVE and wish to head to the airport, you now exit the track area and walk straight ahead. You will come to a cross the left is the shopping center part of the the right is the way to the Cercanias trains. Walk down this passage and turn right again, and you will see the entrance. Signs are posted. The turnstiles are automatic, but there is a ticket window to the right. Show the agent your RENFE tickets and they will let you through. Take the right-hand escalator down to platform 10 for the train to the airport.
When coming from Malaga airport, simply board the Cercania heading to Maria Zambrano station. There is only one simple outdoor platform at the airport, and the train to the main station will come from your right. When you arrive downtown, simply take the escalator up, exit from the Cercanias section, turn left, and left again to come to the security entrance for the AVE trains. Keep your RENFE ticket handy when you board at the airport, in case a fare inspector comes along to check.

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