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Luggage recommendations

My daughter is leaving in a few weeks for a 4 month study abroad trip in London. she believes she needs two large checked suitcases(in addition to carryon) to accommodate the clothes she will need as well as coats and boots due to the change in seasons (Aug- Dec). I am concerned about how she will handle this luggage (alone) from Gatwick to the train and then to a taxi en route to the house where she will live. Any luggage suggestions? HELP!

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3696 posts

Given enough money she can always find someone to help her for a fee... but, if I were her I would take as little as possible and buy new clothes over there (which she will probably do anyway) and worry about getting them home rather than getting them there. They have their own version of TJMaxx (I forget what its called...something very close) but it has all these great European clothes.

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23569 posts

This is the problem with double posted questions. Answers running in different locations. I answered your question in the General Europe section.