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Lugano to Varenna day trip

What's the best way to get from Lugano to Varenna for a day trip using public transportation, preferably train/boat. Any other suggestions on nearby places to see during this day trip?

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From Lugano you can reach Menaggio, on the western side of lake Como, just across from both Bellagio and Varenna, in less than 1/2 hour drive. The drive is beautiful all along Lake Lugano then you go up the hill toward Menaggio. From the top of the hill in Menaggio you'll have a beautiful view of Lake Como. The road is narrow but I'm sure they have buses running through that route. Once in Menaggio you can take one of the many ferries across to Bellagio or Varenna. Just Google: Autobus Lugano Menaggio and you might find something. Edit: Yep, I found it for you from two sources. It's in Italian but it will do. Legend: Orario invernale=Winter schedule Orario Estivo=Summer schedule Feriale=Working days=Mon-Sat (Italians work hard, even on Saturdays) Festivo=Sunday and holidays F5=Feriale Mon-Fri
F6=Feriale Mon-Sat